The annual Celebration of the Feast of St Cecilia (Patron Saint of Music) is this Saturday, November 23rd from 8am to 4pm in the Parish Center. Lots of varieties of music from our many choir groups will be featured. Much of it will be sung in Spanish, but the 9:30am Choir will also perform in English (likely at 10am). There will also be lots of delicious food for purchase as well. This is open to all families — admission is FREE!!
La celebración anual de la Fiesta de Santa Cecilia (Patrona de la Música) es este sábado, 23 de noviembre de 8am a 4pm en el Centro Parroquial. Se presentarán muchas variedades de música de nuestros grupos corales. También habrá mucha comida deliciosa para comprar. Esto está abierto a todas las familias — ¡¡la entrada es GRATIS!!
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