10/10/2024 01:20pm

Dear friends,
The USCCB is promoting a novena for mental health starting today. If you’d like to pray, you can sign up using the included link. Once signed up, the Novena will be emailed to you each day. Below is a related statement from the USCCB.

Novena for Mental Health
Introductory Statement from Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Bishop Robert Barron

This Novena for Mental Health is an opportunity for all the People of God to join together in prayer for women and men experiencing or impacted by mental health issues and for all those who accompany them. The Novena can be prayed at any time of year.

The entire Church in the United States is especially encouraged to pray this Novena in solidarity with one another from October 10 to October 18 each year. October 10 is a fitting beginning as it is also World Mental Health Day. It is a time when people around the world are seeking to raise awareness and remove the stigma connected to mental health issues. This nationwide annual moment of prayer fittingly concludes on the feast of Saint Luke, patron of health care, on October 18.

This Novena is offered in solidarity with those suffering from mental health challenges as well as health care professionals, family, and friends who are caring for people in need. We hope that this modest Novena will move all people to discern how God is calling them to offer greater assistance to those with mental health needs.

Each day of the Novena reflects on a theme related to mental health, or a particular population significantly affected by mental health challenges, using a “Pray, Learn, Act” structure. The Novena is not meant to be exhaustive of all of the many aspects of this crisis; rather, we hope it will offer nine initial entry points for people to prayerfully approach the topic. It is our sincere hope that this Novena will inspire more prayer, reflection, and creative action to address these great challenges of our time.
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Dear friends,
The USCCB is promoting a novena for mental health starting today. If you’d like to pray, you can sign up using the included link. Once signed up, the Novena will be emailed to you each day. Below is a related statement from the USCCB.

Novena for Mental Health
Introductory Statement from Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Bishop Robert Barron

This Novena for Mental Health is an opportunity for all the People of God to join together in prayer for women and men experiencing or impacted by mental health issues and for all those who accompany them. The Novena can be prayed at any time of year.

The entire Church in the United States is especially encouraged to pray this Novena in solidarity with one another from October 10 to October 18 each year. October 10 is a fitting beginning as it is also World Mental Health Day. It is a time when people around the world are seeking to raise awareness and remove the stigma connected to mental health issues. This nationwide annual moment of prayer fittingly concludes on the feast of Saint Luke, patron of health care, on October 18.

This Novena is offered in solidarity with those suffering from mental health challenges as well as health care professionals, family, and friends who are caring for people in need. We hope that this modest Novena will move all people to discern how God is calling them to offer greater assistance to those with mental health needs.

Each day of the Novena reflects on a theme related to mental health, or a particular population significantly affected by mental health challenges, using a “Pray, Learn, Act” structure. The Novena is not meant to be exhaustive of all of the many aspects of this crisis; rather, we hope it will offer nine initial entry points for people to prayerfully approach the topic. It is our sincere hope that this Novena will inspire more prayer, reflection, and creative action to address these great challenges of our time.
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