08/27/2024 04:00pm

All are WELCOME!!

Our next Tuesday morning Bible study will begin on September 10. We will be doing the Living Joy study by Chris Stefanick. We will meet for 9 weeks from 9:30-10:45am. It is a book and video series. If you want to participate please let us know so we can order enough books. You can call or email the church office or contact Renee McGarel rmcgarel22@gmail.com

Welcome to Living Joy
About: God created you for JOY—and He wants that for you here and now!
What to Expect: This program structured around 9 Rules for Living Joy. We will read the book and then there are 2 short videos that go with each rule. The second video will usually focus on more practical application of that rule.

The next Lunch and Learn will be on Thursday September 19th. We will meet in the youth room from 11:30-1pm
Eddy Mastellone a local author from Holy Trinity will be our guest speaker. He is author of the book Redemption in Brooklyn, and he will be sharing his extraordinary story of what God will do to draw you near to Him.

All are WELCOME!!

Our next Tuesday morning Bible study will begin on September 10. We will be doing the Living Joy study by Chris Stefanick. We will meet for 9 weeks from 9:30-10:45am. It is a book and video series. If you want to participate please let us know so we can order enough books. You can call or email the church office or contact Renee McGarel rmcgarel22@gmail.com

Welcome to Living Joy
About: God created you for JOY—and He wants that for you here and now!
What to Expect: This program structured around 9 Rules for Living Joy. We will read the book and then there are 2 short videos that go with each rule. The second video will usually focus on more practical application of that rule.

The next Lunch and Learn will be on Thursday September 19th. We will meet in the youth room from 11:30-1pm
Eddy Mastellone a local author from Holy Trinity will be our guest speaker. He is author of the book Redemption in Brooklyn, and he will be sharing his extraordinary story of what God will do to draw you near to Him.