You’re invite to take part in the next Tuesday morning group study!
Consoling the Heart of Jesus. It is also a great way to meet people at the parish.
This group “retreat “ or study is a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It follows Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, and it’s accompanied by a group program on Divine Mercy. This study will give you an awareness of God’s infinite mercy and how you can give Him joy! You will be given the tools you need, so you can console His heart by accepting His love and trusting in Him completely.
Introductory meeting will be held Tuesday June 27th from 9:30am-10:45am
to hand out materials and watch the Introduction video.
No meeting on July 4th.
Study sessions will begin July 11th and end September 5th.
All sessions will be in the basement Youth Room.
We know summer is a busy time! Don’t let that hold you back from growing closer to God’s infinite mercy and learning how you can give Him joy!
If you can’t make all of the sessions, no problem! The videos are available on the Formed website, so you can watch them at your convenience.
Cost is only $15— We are using grant money to cover half the $30 fee for the books & packet.
The study will be led by Lori Batman, Susan Haywood and Renee McGarel.
Please RSVP with the church office or call/email Renee McGarel