Please consider donating BABY ITEMS each weekend in October, during the international 40 Days for Life campaign. Donations will be taken to the Life Outreach Center in Jefferson City. Suggestions for needed items: crib sheets, towels, toiletries, wipes, diapers size newborn to size 4, sleepers and onesies 12mo to 2T, baby clothing. Larger items like car seats, swings, etc. are needed as well. Thank you for your generosity.
10/02/2021 04:37pm
Please consider donating BABY ITEMS each weekend in October, during the international 40 Days for Life campaign. Donations will be taken to the Life Outreach Center in Jefferson City. Suggestions for needed items: crib sheets, towels, toiletries, wipes, diapers size newborn to size 4, sleepers and onesies 12mo to 2T, baby clothing. Larger items like car seats, swings, etc. are needed as well. Thank you for your generosity.